
外科手术 for 中风

Surgery can be done to bring back blood flow 到大脑. 它可能 be done right away if a person has had a large stroke. Surgery might not cure the cause of the stroke or fix the harm that was done, but it can help to stop more harm.

Surgery Choices During a 中风

A large stroke can cause brain swelling. 如果药物可以 not help, surgery may be done to ease swelling and stop it from causing more harm 到大脑. A flap of bone over the swelling may be temporarily opened to ease 压力.

In a person who has had a hemorrhagic stroke, 血液 clot may also be taken out to stop further harm 到大脑.

A tube is threaded through 血液 船 until it gets to the clot in the brain. The clot may be taken out through the tube or clot-busting drugs may be given through the tube.

Other devices may be used to take out a clot. 有些人有 corkscrew tip or a special ring to take clots out. They are put in a tube and guided to the place of the blockage. When they reach the right place, it is used 取出血块. They can remove the clot in minutes, open blood flow, and lower the amount of harm that can be done.

Surgery to Prevent Another 中风

动脉粥样硬化 (fatty buildup) in 动脉 in the brain or 动脉 that lead 到大脑 may raise the risk of another stroke. 它可能导致:

  • Narrowing of an artery that will block blood from getting 到大脑
  • A hardened fatty deposit that could break off and block the artery

Surgery tries to fix this. 一个人可能有:

A narrow part of the artery, often the carotid artery, can be bypassed by sewing in a tube above and below the part that is blocked. 旁路可能 go around a short, narrowed part of an artery or it may link an artery inside the skull with one outside the skull.

This is like an arterial bypass. A temporary bypass needs to 在此期间使用. An 动脉内膜切除术 雕刻出 the inner lining of the carotid artery. It leaves behind the outer layers to carry 血液. CEA is done more often than arterial bypass for atherosclerotic disease of 动脉.

A tube is guided through 血液 船s and into the carotid artery or, less often, another artery in the brain. A balloon is delivered through the tube and inflated in 血液 船. This is done to try to widen the blood 船 and help blood flow through it. A mesh tube called a stent is often left in the artery to keep it open. A mesh screen may be put in the artery to catch any bits of plaque or clots that might flow in到大脑.

Angioplasty may be a choice for people who would have a high risk of problems from CEA.

Aneurysms are weak spots in arteries that balloon out and may 破裂. This would let blood flow at high 压力 to pump into tissues. 可能是 able to be repaired before it causes a major hemorrhagic stroke. 一个扩大 动脉瘤 may put 压力 in the brain before it ruptures. Or, it may leak slowly enough to be spotted and fixed before major bleeding happens.

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The goal is to take out or clip a small weak spot on a blood 船. When it is in view, a metal clip is clamped around the base of the 动脉瘤.

There are other ways to do this without surgery. 动脉瘤可以 be treated through blood 船s by guiding long, thin tubes into them. 可能是 blocked from the inside by inserting metal coils or squirting them full of tiny beads 或者其他材料. These will cause a clot to form and scar.

Treating Heart Problems

In many people, stroke may be from heart disease. 手术可能 be needed to fix these causes to lower the risk of another stroke. 这可能意味着:

  • —Replacing leaky or faulty heart valves helps the 心脏供血.
  • —A blood clot can form on the valves or in the chambers of the heart. If it does not get smaller with medicine, surgery may be 把它取出来.
  • —A problem with the heart's structure may cause blood flow to be blocked or have abnormal patterns. 解决这些问题有助于 heart work better and helps blood to flow more easily in the body.


  • 中风. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute website. 可用 在:http://www.nhlbi.国家卫生研究院.gov/health-topics/stroke.
  • 中风 (acute management). EBSCO DynaMed网站. 可用 在:http://www.力学.com/management/stroke-acute-management-1.